Boring Normal Life – 02/24/24

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you are doing well.  We reached 86…

Boring Normal Life Week – 02/17/2024

Hello World Wide Readers, Hope your week was boring and normal. Sorry I have not…

Boring Normal Week 2/10/24

Hello World Wide Readers, I hope you had a wonderful boring normal week this week.…

Boring Normal Week – 02/03/2024

Hello World Wide Readers, It’s February. Can you believe it?  January was cold and wet. …

Rainy Week

Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you have had a wonderful Boring Normal week.  We…

First Week of Spring Semester Complete

Hello World Wide Readers, Hope your staying warm.  I always laugh when I say it’s…

Wintery Mix Is Coming

Hello World Wider Readers, We hope you had a boring normal week.  This week the…

First Week Of January 2024 Complete

Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a beautiful normal first week of 2024.…

The End Of 2023

Hello World Wide Readers, We thought we would do an end of year review and…

And Let There Be One Week

Hello World Wide Readers, I figured I would put in this weeks journal early because…