Rainy Week

Hello World Wide Readers,

We hope you have had a wonderful Boring Normal week.  We started the week with localized flooding and lots of dense fog.  Because the extreme cold is now gone, Ben and I moved out plants back outside.  I decided to change their locations because with spring on it’s way, I need to ensure our Myer Lemon tree gets enough sunlight. Last night Ben went to play BattleTech with his friends. The lead position closed this past week so he is now waiting for the interview. One of the beautiful aspects of a boring normal life is the beautiful marriage Ben and I have.  We are each others best friend and sounding board. We support each other in all aspects of our lives but we are both also  independent which means we are do not need each other but instead choose to have each other because we trust each other.  It is our belief that making good decisions takes time and patience.

Ben’s work is going well. They have been busy doing their thing. His brother and him got to talk a little bit this week.  It was a good conversation. This week was busy, I was able to get several projects started, bring some work studies on into our area, and go to a leadership conference. Our puppies are spending more time outside now since the weather is warming up.  Because they have been outside, Ben and I have also been enjoying the back yard.  We have been talking about what we are planning for our spring garden.  We typically start it about mid to end of February. Ben and I always have discussions about plants vs food.  He is always wanting to grow something that adds to our pantry, and I always want to grow plants and flowers. So we usually split it up and we each garden our own thing.  This year though I may attempt to do some lemon, herbs, and maybe strawberries.

Remember help is always available if you need some you just need to ask.

Have a wonderful boring week everyone and we will see you on our next podcast.



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