Normal Life Weekend Posting

Hello World Wide Readers, It’s been another week. It was  a nice week. Ben is…

Another Week Done….

Hello World Wide Readers, Our apologies for  missing our posting last week. We got busy…

School Starting…Fun Times….Normal Life Moving Through

Welcome World Wide Readers, This is our second Saturday posting.  It’s been really nice to…

Not Wednesday but Saturday…Normal Life Right?

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I have decided to change our weekly posting to…

Planning For The Future…

Hello World Wide Internet Readers, We hope you have had a boring couple of days…

Another Wednesday Is Here And We Are Enjoying Life

Hello World Wide Readers, It’s been a great week.  I was able to find out…

Normal Week But Ended With A Bang

Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a great normal boring week.  Ben and…

Another Normal Week

Hello World Wide Readers, It’s great to have you back.  Thank you all for continuing…

Value of Stability in an Unstable World

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I are so excited your back this week to…

Gardening, Amazon, Chili and Life

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I have had a normal week. On Saturday I…