Tag: boring

  • Another Wednesday Is Here And We Are Enjoying Life

    Hello World Wide Readers, It’s been a great week.  I was able to find out I am getting a 6.5 % increase in pay.  So I am definitely excited to hear that. Ben has been having a good time going to gaming stores and playing Battletech and WH40K.  He has found a group of guys…

  • Another Wednesday With Warm Weather.

    Hello World Wide Readers, Hope all is well with you.  Ben and I are doing great.  This past weekend Ben went out to Burnet to look at some RVs.  He is planning on getting one so we can travel around to see friends and family.  He has been doing a lot of research and finally…

  • Normal Week But Ended With A Bang

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a great normal boring week.  Ben and I both had yesterday off.  So it was awkward ending the weekend and then going to work on Monday just to be off on Tuesday.  It’s ok though we had a great 4th of July.  We were able to relax…

  • Another Normal Week

    Hello World Wide Readers, It’s great to have you back.  Thank you all for continuing to support us and our blog.  We really appreciate it. Ben is doing well and managing the stress of his mother being in the hospital really well.  He was awesome and took me to a yarn store this past weekend…

  • Busy Weekend and Already A Busy Week

    Hello World Wide Readers, I hope this blog posting finds you well.  Ben and I celebrated Father’s Day and our Anniversary this weekend.  We had an amazing time.  On Father’s Day we celebrated with cards for my father and for Ben.  We all went out and had a good time. We finished the evening with…

  • Heat, Humidity, and Living In The Normal

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you have had a normal life this past week.  We are working with some oppressive heat this week.  No worries though we are taking it all in stride. Ben worked on the yard in the mornings this past weekend to get them completed.  He did an excellent job.  I…

  • Frito Pie, Rain, Cleaning, and Well Other Boring Stuff

    Hello World Wide Readers, It’s another Wednesday so we thought we would again share with you about what is going on in our lives.  First of all Ben made an awesome Frito Pie this week.  It is something we both love to eat.  We also have been dealing with some pretty hectic storms as of…

  • Finding New Ways Of Doing The Boring

    Hello World Wide Readers Welcome To Our Blog, We are glad to see you here again.  Last night Ben took my car out to get it washed.  I was really excited to go with him.  I love going through the car wash and so does he so it is something we really enjoy doing together.…

  • Summer Is Here Now Let Us Sweat

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had an amazing week. We hope it was normal and boring.  It’s been hot, humid and muggy here.  That is ok because it’s good for the plants.  My work is keeping me really busy. New responsibilities and everything so I been making my move goal a lot more. …

  • Hello World….Lets Be Boring Together

    Hello Readers, We welcome you back.  This week has been routine.  Our lemons our coming in.  We have several fairly good size lemons this year.  Ben and I are really excited about this.  We celebrated Mothers day last weekend with my mother and dad.  We were able to get our mother’s different gifts from Harry…