Tag: Laundry

  • 7-6-24 – Saturday Morning Post

    Good Morning, We hope you had an amazing 4th of July and your weekend is off to a great start. This morning we watered the plants in the back yard.  We currently have a hole in our hose so it’s a challenge not to get wet while we water the plants.  This week we are…

  • Summer Is Here

    Hello World Wide Readers, Summer is here.  Today we are celebrating Ben’s birthday.  Since I have had Friday off from work I was able to get our boring normal things done like making chili for dinner and laundry. It rained a lot on Thursday evening and then again on Friday.  It was from the first…

  • Boring Normal Week 2/10/24

    Hello World Wide Readers, I hope you had a wonderful boring normal week this week. Ben and I had one and it was wonderful. Ben completed his interview for the lead position at his work. They are expecting to make a decision next week.  Either way it was a positive experience just to have the…

  • First Week Of January 2024 Complete

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a beautiful normal first week of 2024. Ben and I are now both back at work. It was nice to be back at work getting ready for the Spring 2024 semester. While I was still on vacation I worked on getting my Public Service Credit set up…

  • Awesome Week We Have Been Having Fun With Our Games

    Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you had a wonderful week this week.  Anyway, the plants have been loving this cooler weather.  In fact, we have seen a lot of new growth in the garden.  We are really excited to see it coming in since we did not see anything this summer. I…

  • Cool Down In Weather This Week

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a good week. It has been a good week this week. We were able to get all the plants watered at the house and laundry done.  Ben is out today at the range. I am shocked at how fast September blew by and how October is already…

  • Normal Life Weekend Posting

    Hello World Wide Readers, It’s been another week. It was  a nice week. Ben is waiting to here about his raise.  So that was great to hear. I had a fairly normal week . The weather is starting to change finally which is great.  It is supposed to rain today and tomorrow. Maxwell went to…

  • Another Week Done….

    Hello World Wide Readers, Our apologies for  missing our posting last week. We got busy doing a lot of things last weekend.  Ben had a class that was taught by a coworker in Kerrville and then he spent time doing BattleTech and WH40K.  I was working on dinners, laundry and crocheting his blanket. This weekend…

  • Not Wednesday but Saturday…Normal Life Right?

    Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I have decided to change our weekly posting to Saturdays.  That way we can cover more about our week instead of doing it during the middle of the week.  We figured that would be more logical for all of you.  This week was a good normal week for us.…

  • Normal Week But Ended With A Bang

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a great normal boring week.  Ben and I both had yesterday off.  So it was awkward ending the weekend and then going to work on Monday just to be off on Tuesday.  It’s ok though we had a great 4th of July.  We were able to relax…