Not Wednesday but Saturday…Normal Life Right?

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I have decided to change our weekly posting to…

Hello Wednesday Readers….Let’s Chat

Hello Readers, We are so excited to have you back with us this week. We…

Value of Stability in an Unstable World

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I are so excited your back this week to…

Gardening, Amazon, Chili and Life

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I have had a normal week. On Saturday I…

Hello Cloudy Muggy Wednesday

Hello World Wide Readers, It is such a blessing to have you all here reading…

Another Wednesday Another Posting…

Hello World Wide Readers, I hope your week has been calm and wonderful.  We have…

Last Wednesday of March

Hello World Wide Web Readers, We hope your doing well today. Ben and I have…

Movement and Warmth

Hello World Wide Readers, I hope this posting finds you well.  This past week has…

It’s Cool Outside

Hello World Wide Readers, We are excited your here reading about our normal boring life. …

Another Hot and Humid Wednesday

Hello World Wide Readers, It is a hot and humid Wednesday here in south Texas. …