Tag: Family

  • Spring Break Week

    Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you all had a wonderful boring normal week.  This week I was out for Spring Break so I was able to work on getting things cleaned up around the house, getting laundry done, and working on my creative writing.  I was even able to do some research…

  • Boring Normal Week – 03/09/2024

    Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you had a wonderful boring week this week. Ben got back from Denton.  His mother made it back home yesterday.  His brother and him talk every night now which is good.  They are healing and I think that is great. My parents are doing great.  Ben had…

  • Boring Normal Week – 3/2/2024

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a wonderful week. This week was boring and normal for us so it was great. Ben, is somewhere, probably North Texas if I had my guess. I don’t ask much when he says he has to go out of town.  It’s easier on both of us if…

  • Boring Normal Life – 02/24/24

    Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you are doing well.  We reached 86 degrees here on Thursday but we realize it is still very cold in some locations so we hope you are staying warm.  We had a good week this week. Ben finally  got his passport renewed so he was able to…

  • Boring Normal Life Week – 02/17/2024

    Hello World Wide Readers, Hope your week was boring and normal. Sorry I have not had a chance to do a podcast.  We are reworking on the format to bring in a winder audience and have it more enjoyable to all. Anyway, this week Ben and I went out on Friday for our date night. …

  • Boring Normal Week 2/10/24

    Hello World Wide Readers, I hope you had a wonderful boring normal week this week. Ben and I had one and it was wonderful. Ben completed his interview for the lead position at his work. They are expecting to make a decision next week.  Either way it was a positive experience just to have the…

  • Boring Normal Week – 02/03/2024

    Hello World Wide Readers, It’s February. Can you believe it?  January was cold and wet.  I am hoping for more sunshine and warm weather this February. Ben had a good week. He got to talk to his brother again which was awesome. I am excited to see that relationship growing. Ben also been working with…

  • Rainy Week

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you have had a wonderful Boring Normal week.  We started the week with localized flooding and lots of dense fog.  Because the extreme cold is now gone, Ben and I moved out plants back outside.  I decided to change their locations because with spring on it’s way, I need…

  • First Week of Spring Semester Complete

    Hello World Wide Readers, Hope your staying warm.  I always laugh when I say it’s spring semester but its 22 degrees outside. Ben and I had a good Martin Luther King day.  It was really cold so we decided to stay home. This week I am assisting in formatting and updating his resume for the…

  • First Week Of January 2024 Complete

    Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a beautiful normal first week of 2024. Ben and I are now both back at work. It was nice to be back at work getting ready for the Spring 2024 semester. While I was still on vacation I worked on getting my Public Service Credit set up…