7-13-24 – Thunderstorms Are On Their Way

Good Saturday Mornings Fellow Readers, Today we are writing from the humid deck of our…

Summer Is Here

Hello World Wide Readers, Summer is here.  Today we are celebrating Ben’s birthday.  Since I…

Spring, College, and Fun

Hello World Wide Readers, Ben and I hope you had a wonderful week. Spring is…

04-27-24 – Peace, Gardening and Life

Hello Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope you have had a wonderful week. We got…

04/13/2024 – This Week

Hello and Welcome, We hope you had a wonderful Boring Normal Life kind of week…

Rainy Week

Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you have had a wonderful Boring Normal week.  We…

Week Before Thanksgiving

Hello World Wide Readers, We are thankful for you all during this season of Thanksgiving.…

Fall Is Finally Here….Another Cooler Week In The Books

Hello World Wide Readers, Hope all is well here. As I write this week, I…

Cool Down In Weather This Week

Hello World Wide Readers, We hope you had a good week. It has been a…

Normal Life Weekend Posting

Hello World Wide Readers, It’s been another week. It was  a nice week. Ben is…