Another Week In The Books

Hello World Wide Readers,

Hope your all your weeks have been boring and uneventful.  Ben and I have had a pretty normal week this week. Last night Ben went to go play BattleTech with his freshly painted figurines. Tonight he is playing WH40K. These games really help Ben relax and have a good time with others.  I am in the process of learning how to play Pokémon TCG. I have been playing online and hope to start doing a deck pretty soon. I was excited to see my Snorlax was raised to a level 5 buddy and now wears a button showing he and I are good buddies in my Pokémon Go.

The weather this week will get fairly cold here.  I am looking forward to the cooler weather defiantly. I am hoping it will get rid of the mosquitoes that have come with the rain that has fallen this past week. I am planning on making a Mexican casserole tomorrow for dinner and leftovers are going to be making a wonderful lunch this week. Ben and I also have been playing our designated video games after work which has been a great way to relax.  Ben and I believe that the more you can relax when your not at work the stronger employee you can be while at work.

We hope your doing well and we love you all that share and read this blog weekly. We hope it gives you a peace and understanding that is ok not to have a hectic, painful, and crazy life and being normal can be beautiful.


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