Tag: Marriage

  • Summer Is Here

    Hello World Wide Readers, Summer is here.  Today we are celebrating Ben’s birthday.  Since I have had Friday off from work I was able to get our boring normal things done like making chili for dinner and laundry. It rained a lot on Thursday evening and then again on Friday.  It was from the first…

  • Busy Weekend/Week Ahead – Father’s Day, Wedding Anniversary, and Birthday

    Hello, Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope you had a great week. We had an excellent week this week. It’s been a fairly busy week for us.  We had to take care of car registrations, pet medications, and grocery shopping.  We also had work and life to engage with as well. Overall we had a…

  • Summer Is Here – 6/8/24

    Hello World Wide Readers, Let’s celebrate that it is summer.  We are excited because some of our pea plants have slowly started to come back and the tomatoes and loose leaf lettuce are looking fantastic in the raised garden we have done. The Myer Lemon tree has a couple of lemons on it but it’s…

  • 5/26/24 – Summer Session One Almost Here

    Hello Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope this post finds you well.  I hope your staying positive, happy, and living a life in truth and happiness. This week we had some fun going to a garden center and out to eat my parents for a couple of times.  We are also working on another website…

  • Boring Normal Life – 5-18-24

    Hello Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope you had a calm boring normal week that brought you joy and happiness. This week was quiet and peaceful. Did you know that being kind extends your life and has physical benefits?  Did you know that telling the truth and being kind could extend your life and make…

  • 04-27-24 – Peace, Gardening and Life

    Hello Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope you have had a wonderful week. We got our second podcast completed. We will be doing one this weekend as well. Ben and I have been spending more time out on the deck talking in the container garden.  He is happy there and love to talk when we…

  • Podcasts Started, Ben’s Gardening, And Our Lives

    Hello World Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope your had an amazing week. We have had a busy week this week, making sure the germinated peas stayed safe in the dirt.  The squirls, birds, and lizards have been desperate to get their paws and claws on them. If we could communicate with these animals and…

  • 04/13/2024 – This Week

    Hello and Welcome, We hope you had a wonderful Boring Normal Life kind of week this week. RANT I woke up to X alerts on my phone again this morning,  All posting aggressive negative things. I think it maybe just me but I remember when while we might have disagreed about something, we would just…

  • 03/30/2024 – Boring Normal Life

    Hello Boring Normal Life Readers.  We hope you have had an amazingly boring normal week. This week we experienced some rain and some roller coaster temperatures but that is Spring.  The pollen has been extraordinarily high this year. Nothing some over the counter meds can’t handle but it will be nice when they finally go…

  • 03/23/2024 – Welcome Spring

    Hello Boring Normal Week Readers, Ben and I hope you had an amazingly boring normal week this week. Spring is a wonderful time of year. We have enjoyed opening up the windows and smelling the rain as it falls.  This past week we had a couple of good rain showers which were just beautiful. I…