Boring Normal Life – 04/07/2023

Hello Boring Normal Life World Wide Readers,

The solar eclipse is tomorrow.  Ben will be traveling and I will be volunteering at the college.  The traffic has picked up in the area but everything is as expected for such an event.


Ben and I hope you have had a wonderful week.  We are trying to germinate some seeds from a long time ago we found.  We decided to do them in wet paper towels so we will know if they are viable by the end of next week. We have done some pawpaw fruit seeds, carrots, peas, and tomatoes.  By doing it this way and placing the paper towel in a plastic bag we have created a greenhouse like effect by putting them in the sun. If the seeds germinate, we will be putting them in starter containers. Of the plants we have right now in the back area is a tree.  We are going to be removing the playset from the back yard that was here when we purchased the house and planting a tree in its place.  I am going to be excited to plant it this fall because it will allow for another location for the squirrels to jump too and not get chased by the dogs.


Our families are doing ok.  Ben and his brother talk frequently.  We are glad their relationship has been repaired.  My parents have been doing well. Ben and I went by and had a fun conversation with this this weekend. We are waiting to celebrate birthday dinners until May so we can celebrate mine and my fathers birthday together.  It is going to be a blast. My mom and I went to go get my hair done last weekend so it was good to have some one on one time with her.  She is busy working at the gym still so it was nice to take a day and just relax. We started repaying school loans last month, I was excited to see I only have six more years and I will have completed my 120 payments for the PLSF program. It is going to be exciting day when that happens.  We probably are going to throw a party. 🙂


Ben’s work has been running lean lately.  They have a new employee starting on Monday so that will be great because there are very few people to do the trips that are needed for his job.  I have been getting more bruises at work lately. We are heading into our busy season so I am out crawling around more now than I was in the winter. The spring semester ends next week I think, so until June when we start our four day work week, my staff is going to be pretty lean as well. I love the four day work weeks.  It makes it nice to always have a three day weekend.

Other than that, we hope you all are doing well and having a quite peaceful boring normal week.  Stay safe tomorrow everyone and we will see you next weekend.



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