Fall Is Finally Here….Another Cooler Week In The Books

Hello World Wide Readers,

Hope all is well here. As I write this week, I am sitting out on my deck in the back yard and it’s 69 degrees outside.  It is feeling amazing.   Work for me has been busy,  faculty and staff are being moved to Office 365 so we are preparing for that.  I purchased a new game on Thursday evening.  Since Ben, plays his games, I figured I would download one onto my switch.  It’s called New Pokémon Snap.  It’s been really fun. I am also playing Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sleep. LOL Ben finally downloaded the Pokémon Go app and played.  He was honest and said he didn’t get it.   It just wasn’t his thing. At least I got him to try.

Anyway, things are going good here.  My parents went to go visit my Dad’s sister in Georgetown.  They had a really good time.  Ben helped them by taking care of their puppies. They have four dogs so Ben always enjoys going over there and helping them out. My parents really appreciate Ben and think he is the best son in law ever.  I am so excited they like him. Ben is going to be picking up his Battletech figurines from the painter on Tuesday.  He has been shown pictures of what they look like so far and he has been really impressed.

It’s funny several years ago, Ben and I had to make tough decisions. Nothing worth discussing here, but those decisions which were tough then, have allowed us to have a amazing life now. Sometimes the hardest decisions end up being a blessing in the end. I am so excited to see what our future holds for us.

Anyway, hope you all have an amazing week stay safe and out of trouble.

M & B

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