Tag: Gardening

  • Hello Cloudy Muggy Wednesday

    Hello World Wide Readers, It is such a blessing to have you all here reading our blog.  We are supper excited to share our boring normal lives with you. Anyway, my mom picked up a part time job to do for fun.  She is working at the gym again and is loving it. It keeps…

  • Another Wednesday Another Posting…

    Hello World Wide Readers, I hope your week has been calm and wonderful.  We have been just doing our thing here.  We got to go to Red Robin on Easter which was a fun activity.  We also got to spend some wonderful time at a knitting store near Ft. Sam Houston. It was really cool…

  • Last Wednesday of March

    Hello World Wide Web Readers, We hope your doing well today. Ben and I have had a normal week. The dogs are starting to get used to the warmer weather and the humidity again. Nova has been particularly loving to Ben.  It’s cute. She loves licking his face and beard to say hello. I was…

  • Movement and Warmth

    Hello World Wide Readers, I hope this posting finds you well.  This past week has been very traditional for us.  We finished out the work week and this weekend Ben and I went to a book store. We had a good time there.  They were really busy because they were having a manga sale buy…

  • It’s Cool Outside

    Hello World Wide Readers, We are excited your here reading about our normal boring life.  LOL.  Anyway, it was time change this weekend.  We sprang forward an hour this past Sunday.  Let me tell you, it’s been crazy ever since.  When we sprang forward I think we sprang forward into next winter.  This weekend we…