Spring, College, and Fun

Hello World Wide Readers,

Ben and I hope you had a wonderful week. Spring is finally here in Texas.  It is warm, muggy, and plants are growing everywhere. Everyday, there is rain in some manner, either through a thunderstorm or sprinkles. It’s fun sitting out on the deck listening to the rain.  Only downside is that with spring and wet weather mosquitoes have started to accumulate.  We had to bring out the bug zapper to get rid of them but overall its been fun going out to the garden and seeing what has been growing. What have you been doing this spring?  Have you been reading a new book or growing something amazing?


Ben has almost completed his high three at his current position so he has been taking time to explore options he can do with his educational benefits from the VA.  He is not sure what he wants to be when he grows up but he is excited about the opportunity to explore a different career field. I am kind of jelly about that. Although I might be jelly about that, I am excited for him,  I think the progress of discovery and being a life long learner is important. I can tell he is taking this seriously and wants to do something he enjoys and makes a positive contribution to society.  So we will keep you updated on what he looks forward to pursuing in school.

Work for me has been busy, I am going to be helping out at graduation.  I have four students graduating this year so I am really excited to assist in the program this year.  We are also planning a lot of moves of classrooms and new pc replacements.  We are going to be migrating classrooms to Windows 11 this summer so we are excited to get that project on its way.  This past week I was in another leadership conference which was fun.  It was talking about the five gears and what gears we like to work in. It gave me a new perspective on how people are different and its about understanding that difference so you can share information with each other.  It was fun and next week, it’s going to a little stressful because it’s finals week but we will make it through it.


So Ben and I have been having a lot of fun in our garden.  We planted potatoes last weekend and we now have stalks piling up.  I can not figure out if it was Cutlet or just better gardening.  Maybe a little of both.  LOL. Anyway, with the rise in mosquitoes Ben and I are going tomorrow to get a couple of lavender plants for the deck area.  According to our research they will repel the mosquitoes.  Ben has been going to the range and playing WH40K.  I have been busy working on planting plants and doing the podcast. We also have been organizing the house little by little.  So it’s been fun going through stuff.  I am hoping to get the podcast done tonight or tomorrow.  We are going to be on episode number 4. We are hoping to have some root growth on a lemon seed we planted from a lemon I picked up at the grocery store.  It was a huge lemon so I am hoping we can get a branch to start so we can get some more sour lemons instead of the sweet lemons we get with our Myer lemon tree.  The dogs have been having fun in the backyard chasing squirrels and possums. None of them like the rain, but they do enjoy chasing anything running the fence.  Maxwell is not much for it but Nova and Lola are definitely our hunters.  They honestly aren’t very good at it though.  It makes for a fun evening of laughs when we see them take off.

Anyway, we miss you all and hope your having a wonderful week.  Remember you are loved  and we are sending virtual hugs your way.  Stay safe and we are always here if you need us.



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