Tag: Parents

  • 9/7/2024 – Embracing Loss, Faith, and Life’s Purpose

    This past week has been one of deep reflection and emotional weight. My husband, Ben, traveled to Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery for his mother’s funeral. As a Roman Catholic, death is not seen as an end but rather a passage into eternal life. Yet, it doesn’t make the grief any less real. The moments spent…

  • Protected: Death of Family Obligation and Recording

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • A Peek into Our Simple and Satisfying Life

    In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, there’s something incredibly comforting about a life that is simple, predictable, and full of small joys. For Ben and me, our daily routine might seem ordinary to some, but it’s filled with moments of happiness and contentment. Here’s a glimpse into our “boring” yet fulfilling life, featuring…

  • 7-6-24 – Saturday Morning Post

    Good Morning, We hope you had an amazing 4th of July and your weekend is off to a great start. This morning we watered the plants in the back yard.  We currently have a hole in our hose so it’s a challenge not to get wet while we water the plants.  This week we are…

  • Staturday Morning On The Deck – 6/29/24

    Good Morning, Ben’s working today so I decided to sit on the deck and write the blog posting today from the deck. We usually write the blog together on our Saturday mornings.  However, today, I figured I would sit out on the porch in our backyard with my pink lemonade and write it. The tree…

  • Busy Weekend/Week Ahead – Father’s Day, Wedding Anniversary, and Birthday

    Hello, Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope you had a great week. We had an excellent week this week. It’s been a fairly busy week for us.  We had to take care of car registrations, pet medications, and grocery shopping.  We also had work and life to engage with as well. Overall we had a…

  • Post Number 70 – Welcome June

    Welcome back world wide readers, We hope all is well with you as your reading this. This week has been really nice, we got some good rain which has helped the trees and plants really take off.  Ben has been really busy at work and is exhausted when he comes home. How has your week…

  • 5/26/24 – Summer Session One Almost Here

    Hello Boring Normal Life Readers, We hope this post finds you well.  I hope your staying positive, happy, and living a life in truth and happiness. This week we had some fun going to a garden center and out to eat my parents for a couple of times.  We are also working on another website…

  • Anger

    Good Morning Boring Normal Life Readers, Ben and I hope you have a peaceful week. Spring came in like a lion this week to many states. Bad weather has dominated many areas around the country. We wish everyone well during this chaotic weather season. If Ben or I can be of any help please let…

  • 04/13/2024 – This Week

    Hello and Welcome, We hope you had a wonderful Boring Normal Life kind of week this week. RANT I woke up to X alerts on my phone again this morning,  All posting aggressive negative things. I think it maybe just me but I remember when while we might have disagreed about something, we would just…