Busy Weekend/Week Ahead – Father’s Day, Wedding Anniversary, and Birthday

Hello, Boring Normal Life Readers,

We hope you had a great week. We had an excellent week this week. It’s been a fairly busy week for us.  We had to take care of car registrations, pet medications, and grocery shopping.  We also had work and life to engage with as well. Overall we had a fairly calm week and are looking forward to this weekend and week.

Father’s Day is tomorrow so we are celebrating with our family. We are spending the day with my parents on Father’s Day and celebrating Ben and Dad like we do every year. Ben and Dad both have children that do not engage with them for various reasons so we are going to celebrate together as all families should.  They are both excited to have a good day with good food. Ben and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary later on in the week.  We are both taking off to celebrate and so we are going to relax, play in the garden, and then go and get some great food. Then on the weekend, we will be celebrating Ben’s birthday.  It is going to be fun. It’s his day to choose what he wants to do but at the end of the day, we always go out and celebrate with an amazing dinner and celebration with my parents.

Other than that, this week was busy. Ben and I both worked and have been busy completing projects for our jobs. It’s always nice to come home and see each other. We enjoy talking and dreaming.  We were both excited when our butterfly bush flowered in the front yard.  It was a beautiful orange flower.

We hope you have an amazing weekend. If anyone ever needs anything please feel free to reach out. Our contact page is still relevant. Stay safe.


M & B




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