7-6-24 – Saturday Morning Post

Good Morning,

We hope you had an amazing 4th of July and your weekend is off to a great start. This morning we watered the plants in the back yard.  We currently have a hole in our hose so it’s a challenge not to get wet while we water the plants.  This week we are supposed to be getting the remnants of Hurricane Beryl.  So at least we will not have to water the plants for a while. How are you doing?  Are you enjoying your summer? We have been busy cleaning the house, working, and having a fun time.

This week at work, I had to review over 75 resumes for a position  I am filling. It’s hard going through resumes. I was shocked at how many people would want an entry-level position. I hope to have it filled before August 1st but it depends on how well the first round of applicants does with the interview committee. My boss is leaving for Japan on August 28th and will be gone for almost 30 days.  She is taking a cruise. From Japan, she will fly to Hawaii for a couple of days. She is excited for this trip.  We are also prepping for a baby shower in my office, one of my techs is going on leave in August for their baby so I am in charge of making two lasagnas and a vegetarian lasagna. It will be fun, but the sooner I get the new tech in the less likely we will be stuck with only one tech in my office.

Ben had to catch up on paperwork on the 4th but was able to get administrative leave for the day. He has been working a lot on a project for the office so I have been keeping out of his way since it’s important and I do not want him to lose focus. We went to Cracker Barrel on the 4th for breakfast.  We had a good time. We both got the hashbrown casserole breakfast.  We would both recommend it if you do go to Cracker Barrel. We then decided to eat seedless watermelon on Friday as a snack. It was good. We laughed and had a good time. Sharing time with family and loved ones is something Ben and I both believe to be very important. So make sure you spend as much time as possible with your family because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Anyway, we hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summer.  Be safe and well-hydrated because it is a hot one out there. Feel free to contact us if you want to know or need anything.




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