Staturday Morning On The Deck – 6/29/24

Good Morning,

Ben’s working today so I decided to sit on the deck and write the blog posting today from the deck. We usually write the blog together on our Saturday mornings.  However, today, I figured I would sit out on the porch in our backyard with my pink lemonade and write it. The tree my dad and I transplanted into a bigger pot.  It is exciting to see it is over its shock and is now growing a lot of baby leaves.  Once it gets bigger in the next couple of years, we will plant it in the hole that Maxwell is digging under the swing set. I think it will be nice to have a tree in that spot for the squirrels and also shad for the puppies.  The bush tree growing from the tree we out last summer because of fire ants is a good-looking tree and will be great at providing shade.

Work for Ben and I has been busy.  At the college, this is our busiest time of year. So I am not down to two technicians for technical support in the office.  One found a great paying job and with a new family, he left on Friday. So now I have two in the office.  So I am now on the search for a new technician. I hope to keep the job open for two weeks but I might have to extend it longer. Ben’s office is working overtime so he is been working daily.  We have two more weeks of this work

We had dinner with my parents last night and had some amazing Greek food.  We then to Baskin Robbins and got ice cream together. My parents had a great time.  It was a great way to celebrate the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. My parents talked about my sister in Germany a little bit.  They have not mentioned her in almost a year.  It was a conversation. I will be honest, Ben was more interested in the conversation than I was. My parents told us that they are getting t the bush trees that are reaching over our fence chopped down.  Ben and I appreciate that considering that is where the dogs run to chase varmints. My parents are doing this to help an older guy who does this for his job which is their neighbor.  Business has been slow so they wanted to help support him.

The bushes and butterfly flowers are blooming in the front yard. It is exciting to see. They are orange, yellow, and purple flowers.  My dad and I will work on taking some cuttings from our Purple Heart plant and transplanting them to the potted tree to help it conserve water. I also need to water them this weekend since we are not getting any rain this week. So my lemonade is done so it’s time to end this blog.

The following video is how Ben and I live our lives now. My God bless you all.




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