Summer Is Here – 6/8/24

Hello World Wide Readers,

Let’s celebrate that it is summer.  We are excited because some of our pea plants have slowly started to come back and the tomatoes and loose leaf lettuce are looking fantastic in the raised garden we have done. The Myer Lemon tree has a couple of lemons on it but it’s going to be a while before they are ready to harvest.  I am disappointed that none of the seeds germinated from my herb garden set.  But maybe it’s still too early.  I will be keeping a watch out for them.

This week we made slow water holders for our butterfly bushes outside.  They help by making sure the bushes do not dry out with the heat and sun on them.  We also have finished getting bushes in front of the pay window.  They are going to have small purple flowers on them. I am still looking for a rose bush that I can plant in a pot and stick in the walkway area outside of our house. We are also going to try to find a deals on solar lights to line up down the walkway to our house.  We think they will add a stunning glow to the front yard. Some of the downsides of the extended spring this year has been the allergies. Ben and I are both having issues with our sinuses.

Ben has been busy at work. He can’t speak much about his work but he is coming home exhausted, which tells me he has been busy in the shop. I have made him some of his favorites this week. Mac and cheese with tuna and peas, spaghetti, and meatloaf with mashed potatoes and corn. We did have some Culver’s and Dominoes this week because I came home from my 10 hour shift and decided eating out would be better for the both of us. He talked with his family this week as well. He has been watching the good doctor and is really enjoying the show.

We got through the first week of summer one at the college. I am setting up a plan to migrate the entire campus to windows 11 and get 960 laptops into 30 carts and replace the entire fleet of laptop carts on campus in the next couple of months. Sometimes we have to have fun at our work so my coworkers took this picture in my office with the pigs. LOL.  I love that we can incorporate play into our work here.

One of my full timers is leaving for a new position so I am going to be hiring for that position soon. I am happy he is doing what is best for his new family but it is sad to see him go. We also are busy in the office planning a baby shower for one of my staff.  He is having a baby boy so we are going to be pasta bar setup for him to celebrate. In the next couple of weeks I am taking mental health first aid on campus to be certified in helping those with drug and mental health issues on campus.  I am also working on finding a way to be an ally on campus since I have been one at every place I have worked. I also help and support the foster youth on our campus which is really exciting as well.

With all the walking on campus, I am in search of some pink tennis shoes.  I love the color pink so I am busy searching for those since I need to replace the ones I currently have. Ben thinks it will be fun for me to wear such a fun color of shoe with my outfits so I am busy trying to find a pair I like. 🙂

Anyway, we both hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer. Stay cool and awesome. We love you all.




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