Boring Normal Life – 5-18-24

Hello Boring Normal Life Readers,

We hope you had a calm boring normal week that brought you joy and happiness. This week was quiet and peaceful. Did you know that being kind extends your life and has physical benefits?  Did you know that telling the truth and being kind could extend your life and make you happier? We have been listening to The Power Of Kindness by Piero Ferrucci.  It’s an easy listen. After listening to How To Know A Person by David Brooks, the books could be linked.  Piero talks about how humans are wired to tell the truth.  That it puts less stress on our systems when we tell the truth thus increasing our life span. He also talks about how being kind also includes telling the truth.  As people we often just skip over or ignore the truth in an effort to be kind.  But what we are really doing is being selfish and focusing on ourselves instead of being helping others. So a simple beverage of your choice, a couple of snacks, and listening can not only do wonders in extending your life but also healing and nurturing your soul.


Don’t know if we shared last week but one of our lemon seeds sprouted. We are really excited.  This week, we planted chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and lemon balm. They are from a kit Ben bought me for herbal teas.  So I am soaking the seeds now and will be planting them tomorrow.  I am excited to see if they grow.  I am really looking forward to growing these indoors in the bay windows. The tomatoes have all taken to the soil so we are excited about that and our potatoes appear to be doing well.  I think the negative attention, Cutlet, the sassy pig had on our okra has caused it not to grow.  I am disappointed but we will continue to garden till we get some produce other than lemons. I will admit here, I am not very good at vegetable gardening but I am trying.  I will continue to try until I am successful at growing something.  It is just going to take me a while it seems.


Ben is prepping for a work trip. He also has been considering various educational areas to find a new career field that he will enjoy using his VA funds.  This week he had to go and do his yearly physical.  He passed but he always hates going to do it. It just reminds him how short staff they are in his office. I try to ensure his morning always starts out right with a blueberry bagel and strawberry cream cheese.  I then work on his coffee with five splendas and a 1/4 of a cup of milk or half and half.  Having this ready for him in the morning seems to make his days go smoother so I am more than happy to make those for him in the morning.

We have graduation this week. I am the Volunteer Coordinator so I ensure every one shows up, checks in and gets some food prior to starting their assignments.  I am looking forward to seeing our three students graduate this semester. We also have been prepping for the summer semester by doing our classroom computer replacements, software updates, and OS upgrades.  So it has been really busy this past week but we are looking forward to graduation as a college because it’s a big achievement when students complete their associate degrees.  Our goal is to always ensure students can make a living wage with their associate degrees and support their families and community.  I work hard to keep a positive work environment in our office.  Because as a mentor, it’s my responsibility to ensure we show students how being caring and nurturing helps everyone including ourselves.

Other than that, that is about it for this week.  We hope you all are doing well and keeping warm in the beautiful sunshine. Stay safe and kind to everyone. Love to you all.


M& B





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