
Good Morning Boring Normal Life Readers,

Ben and I hope you have a peaceful week. Spring came in like a lion this week to many states. Bad weather has dominated many areas around the country. We wish everyone well during this chaotic weather season. If Ben or I can be of any help please let us know.  You can reach out to us through our contact page.


The peas are struggling with bugs. We tried soapy water but it was not successful.  So we are now on to doing garlic water.  We try to be organic in our gardening as we can be.  We are trying to produce a garden that can provide us with sustenance during these hard times. We finally have some tomato seeds germinating and our second round of potatoes have germinated as well.  I used garlic water on them as well just to prevent any bugs from making home in those areas. The Myer Lemon has quite a few lemons on it this year so we are excited.  We may even have enough to make a pitcher of lemonade. We have two trees growing really well.  We had to remove a tree from our back yard a couple of years ago and a tree is growing in its place.  We are excited its really taking off.  We also have another tree we need to transplant but we are going to wait till the early September to do that.


My dad is going to be moving some plants to our house which is really exciting.  Both will be attracting butterflies.  One is going to be able to cover our bay window which makes me really excited.  It smells a lot like lavender which excites me.  We also have one that is going to attract pollinators like butterflies. It was my dad’s birthday this week, we are going to be celebrating it next weekend.


So Ben and I are positive people.  We see the world different then most and that is ok.  We appreciate the small things and like to plan.  We keep our activities on social media limited only because we don’t spend a lot of time seeing only one point of view of individuals.  People are more than their social media accounts. People are also more than what the news, educators, or the public actually says they are.  In a world with 7 billion plus people, no one truly knows anyone. As you enter into adulthood, the need to feel connected, understood, and valued is important. When you fail to teach communication skills to youth, you fail them as they enter into adulthood, which makes them more angry and disillusioned about who and what their purpose is. Hence, the generation we have now on our college campuses. They are lonely, scared, and upset. The Gen Z population is the most lonely generation that has walked into a college classroom.  It frustrates me that more of us from the Gen X and Y generations do not stop to listen but instead want to compare and swift the focus back to ourselves.

Ben and I see this is a failure of society in general.  We have lost the ability to communicate.  At the heart of every disagreement between two individuals is a jewel.  So what is that jewel.  It’s that you both care about the same thing, the resolution on how you resolve said problem or issue maybe different but if you can keep reminding each other that what you care about is the same.  True peace and understanding can always be achieved. So try it out next time you want to criticize or rage against someone, breathe and try to find out what is at the heart of your anger because if you get to it, you realize that it’s a jewel that you both are passionate about. And when you see what that is, true progress in any environment can be achieved.

Till next time everyone, we love you all and wish you a safe spring ahead.



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