Boring Normal Life – 02/24/24

Hello World Wide Readers,

Ben and I hope you are doing well.  We reached 86 degrees here on Thursday but we realize it is still very cold in some locations so we hope you are staying warm.  We had a good week this week. Ben finally  got his passport renewed so he was able to get that done.  I was able to assist with the furniture choices for our new Veterans building on campus.  I was excited my input was valued by the team. The Veterans center is going to be a dedicated building for service members to relax and get academic support.  It also is going to have a dog park for their service dogs.  I am really excited that the building is going to be done soon.  We all are really excited.  It’s going to be fabulous.

Ben talked with his brother again this week.  It was a productive conversation for the both of them.  I am glad they are finally starting to bond.  It’s a shame it has to be over this but at least it’s family boding.  It’s important for Ben to make relationships with the only family he has.  It ensures that he can keep that bond there.  He is also making friends at his game nights so he is starting to trust and relax a lot more.  Ben is working hard to prepare for the future and ensure he has a support system in place with veterans and others he has various hobbies with.  This week we started working on our will and it has been a really uplifting and positive experience for the both of us.

I have been working on knitting a pair of socks this week and Ben played BattleTech last night. I have been reading an amazing book called The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.  I was able to sit and read half the book in one sitting.  It’s definitely a quick and satisfying read. Anyway, we hope all of you are enjoying your weekend and mindfully reflecting on the decisions you have made.  Unfortunately the midnight library isn’t real and your decisions are now you.

Stay Boring Stay Normal

Love to you all,






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