5/26/24 – Summer Session One Almost Here

Hello Boring Normal Life Readers,

We hope this post finds you well.  I hope your staying positive, happy, and living a life in truth and happiness. This week we had some fun going to a garden center and out to eat my parents for a couple of times.  We are also working on another website with all the social media and everything. We have been having some laughs putting it all together. Either way, its been a good positive week.

There has been a small downside this week, we lost our pea plants but it appears we might have success in getting our tomatoes to grow.  The squirrels got one of our potato plants but the rest are really starting to sprout. My dad is going to help me transplant our tree that is root bound to a bigger pot.  I am really looking forward to this.  It’s going to be above ground so no problems with roots destroying our backyard, but still providing shade for the puppies and a place for the squirrels to play in until Ben gets the swing set to his coworker.  The swing set was part of the purchase of the house.

We celebrated graduation on Thursday so it was really exciting.  My coworkers and I had a blast celebrating with our students as they walked the stage.  An associates degree is so important. It can lead to good paying jobs that help support family which then in turns helps develop a stronger community. Summer session 1 starts on June 3rd so we are busy in the office getting everything ready for the workforce building to be shutdown this summer and moving classrooms and faculty to new areas around the campus.  It’s a large undertaking but we are going to get it completed this coming week. Everyone is really excited.

Ben has had a busy week.  He has been working overtime and is working on Monday so he will be getting holiday pay.  He has been really exhausted but feels like he is getting a lot accomplished. He and his brother have started to talk to each other every day. It is great to see when all the chaos and bullshit goes away, the family bond still remains. His birthday is coming up and we are excited to celebrate it with him.  He asked my bosses husband to paint some of his WH40K figurines.  It will be exciting to see him finally have some tanks to go along with his set.

I have been working on my mother’s blanket for her Christmas present. It contains yarn that her mother gave me so I know she is going to love it.  It is being crocheted like her grandmother did for her blanket when she went into college. I am excited to get completed for her. It’s looking really scrappy and fun.

Other than that if you need anything from us please feel free to reach out.

Take care,





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